Name: A Darker Shade of Magic
Author: V.E. Schwab
Pages: 384
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Titan Books
ISBN: 9781783295401
Rating: 4/5
Kell is one of the last Antari, blood magicians with the ability to create doors between the three Londons. Once anyone with an semblance of magical ability could travel between the worlds but that was before Black London fell. Now White London is ruled by a set of tyrannical twins who attempt to control what magic they have left, Red London is Kell's home where he was raised alongside the heir to the throne and magic thrives and Grey London where the lack of magic has driven most insane including the ruler.
Delilah Bard will forever be one of my favourite female characters. Her dry sense of humour is brilliant and her sarcasm is even better. Her interactions with Kell were some of my favourites scenes in the book. However, I both love and hate that as a reader we were never given a full explanation of the significance of what Master Tieren said. (I'm being purposefully vague) I have a theory but to explain it would be a mahoosive spoiler.
Kell was an enigma in this novel. I liked how he acted and also the conviction he had in his actions. I must say that coat of many sides was a brilliant idea too. I really want one. I wish we'd learned more about Kell's background along with him but after hunting like a mad woman I found out there is a second novel coming out in February 2016, we may find out more about Kell there. I also liked how he didn't really have a love interest, Delilah was a partner in crime more than anything. It created such a different dynamic.
Now for the plot. I liked how even the side characters had a real purpose in driving the plot forward. Astrid and Athos Dane, though they are horrendous people it was done so very well. (I'm a little biased as I love the name Astrid and have a character named that in my WIP). I thought the overall plot moved very well, consistently making me want to continue reading. The only thing that stopped me from giving this 5/5 was how quickly the ending crept up. Considering the build up, having to pass through each London and encountering some form of problem the ending seemed a little abrupt.
All in all I really enjoyed A Darker Shade of Magic. I found it to be a quick read with an action packed plot. I fully intend to get A Gathering of Shadows when it comes out.
Have you read this? What did you think?
Katie x
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