Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Review: The disreputable history of Frankie Landau-Banks By E. Lockhart
Title: The disreputable history of Frankie Landau-Banks
Author: E. Lockhart
Pages: 342
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hot Key Books (2014) Hyperion Books (2008)
ISBN: 978-1-4714-0440-5
*Blurb taken from the back of the book*
"Frankie Landau-Banks attends one of the most privileged schools in the country. She is popular, cute and funny. Her main preoccupation is the gorgeous Matthew Livingston. But that's not all there is to Frankie. She's also smart. Then Frankie discovers Matthew has been keeping secrets from her. What will she do to get even? How far will she go? It's up to Frankie..."
One of my most favourite protagonists I have ever read. Frankie is everything that a woman should be; ambitious, intelligent and hella feisty. I think this is a brilliant novel as when you go beyond the surface it's a novel that depicts how some women are still excluded from certain aspects of society, even though they may be extremely well suited to said area of society and help further it in some way, just as Frankie does in escalating the Pranks of the Bassett Hounds and planning them with such meticulousness that it gains her a nuance of praise.
Frankie aimed to change the perception of herself, she no longer wanted the be "Bunny Rabbit" but a force to be reckoned with. Arguably, she is. I love he use of neglected positives. I believe myself to have some things in common with Frankie which is why I think I enjoyed the book so much. Having friends who can be grossly sexist is challenging, I tend to be ignored by some and when I make an intelligent point in a conversation it is met with startled looks as if to say "Hang on, you thought of this?"
Dear readers of a novel idea, as I write this post I am distinctly "gruntled" (neglected positive example 1.) I have pretzels, Vimpto and an episode of Game of Thrones to watch. I implore that you read this novel, if for no other reason than to laugh at the giant boob. (Clarification if given in disreputable history.)
Have you read this novel? Did you enjoy it, let me know!
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Review: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
Title: Heir of Fire
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Pages: 565
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 978-1-4088-3912-6
(Finished copy sent to me for review)
*Synopsis from back of back*
Consumed by guilt and rage, Celaena can't bring herself to spill blood for the King of Adarlan. She must fight back...
The Immortal Queen will help her destroy the king - for a price. But as Celaena battles with her darkest memories and her heart breaks for a love that could never last, can she fulfil the bargain and head the almighty court of Terrasen? And who will stand with her?
So, absolutely amazing. I loved the introduction of Wendlyn in this instalment, the new characters are great and the pace of the book is great.
I couldn't stand either of Chaol and Dorian prior to this volume. I thought they were both bad matches for Celaena and were very pompous. However, I warmed to them in Heir of Fire, mainly Dorian. He was so sweet with Sorscha (all the feels with that.) What I adored was Rowan and Celeana's relationship. Flawless. I think they are a far better match. He is as strong willed, fiercely protective and a kick-ass fighter. That is why this is my favourite book in the Throne of Glass series so far.
I love Manon too. I have a theory that she is going to end up helping Celaena on her quest, there seems to be some doubt forming in her mind as to what she is and what the King wants her to do as Wing Leader. Interested to see how that pans out.
Omg. Just go read it.
Harry Potter Spells Tag
I wasn't tagged to do this but I saw it and couldn't help myself.
1. Expecto Patronum: a childhood book connected to good memories.
For me this would have to be the actual Harry Potter Series. They are the books that really inspired my love of reading and I continue to love them today. I, in fact am actually sat here typing with a Deathly Hallows necklace on.
2. Expelliarmus: a book that took you by surprise.
Rather than a book surprising me it was a series. The Darkness Rising series by Kelley Armstrong. I hadn't expected to love this as much as I do. The character Maya, is such a free spirit but struggles to fit in initially. The only thing that makes her feel like she fits in is the paw print bookmark on her hip.
3. Prior Incantato - The last book you read.
Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane. It's a book that you read and feel high. Worms in feet that transform into humans, a very old young girl and an ocean that can fit into a bucket.
4. Alohamora - A book that introduced you to a genre you hadn't considered before.
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Prior to reading this novel I tended to stick with mainly fantasy and sci-fi. I never dabbled in an contemporary fiction but one day I just decided to give this a go and I haven't looked back since. I now love contemporary fiction and have added a lot more to my past reads.
5. Riddikulus - a funny book you've read.
Game of Thrones. Simply because of the one liners Tyrion comes out with. He is hilarious. I don't believe I have ever laughed as much when he announced to his father while drunk that he was the "God of t*ts and wine." I think I cried.
6. Sonorous - a book you think everyone should know about.
Always the Spook's series by Joseph Delany. I adore it and him as a person. I've met him a few times and he's lovely! These books are amazing. There are twelve in the actual series but each one has a fantastic story, it's not like they were being churned out clutching at straws for another story. Then there are a few novellas and two new books in two new series'. One of those being a spin off from the Spook's series and then Arena 13.
7. Obliviate - a book or spoiler you would like to forget having read.
8. Imperio - A book you had to read for school.
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. It's now one of my favourite novels and I'm so excited for the release of Go Set A Watchman on the 14th July.
9. Crucio - a book that was painful to read.
(I have since removed this from my collection)
Dracula. I decided to give it a whirl and it took me so long! I struggled with the form of the novel. I like prose rather than letters and diary entries.
10. Avada Kedavra - a book that could kill. (Interpret how you wish)
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. The feels are soul destroying. It's a beautiful book, but such a sad sad read. Based on a girl who commits suicide and leaves her reasons why on thirteen tapes. She sends them all to those who have had some impact on her making this decision.
I tag all of you who have yet to do this tag!
1. Expecto Patronum: a childhood book connected to good memories.
For me this would have to be the actual Harry Potter Series. They are the books that really inspired my love of reading and I continue to love them today. I, in fact am actually sat here typing with a Deathly Hallows necklace on.
2. Expelliarmus: a book that took you by surprise.
Rather than a book surprising me it was a series. The Darkness Rising series by Kelley Armstrong. I hadn't expected to love this as much as I do. The character Maya, is such a free spirit but struggles to fit in initially. The only thing that makes her feel like she fits in is the paw print bookmark on her hip.
3. Prior Incantato - The last book you read.
Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane. It's a book that you read and feel high. Worms in feet that transform into humans, a very old young girl and an ocean that can fit into a bucket.
4. Alohamora - A book that introduced you to a genre you hadn't considered before.
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Prior to reading this novel I tended to stick with mainly fantasy and sci-fi. I never dabbled in an contemporary fiction but one day I just decided to give this a go and I haven't looked back since. I now love contemporary fiction and have added a lot more to my past reads.
5. Riddikulus - a funny book you've read.
Game of Thrones. Simply because of the one liners Tyrion comes out with. He is hilarious. I don't believe I have ever laughed as much when he announced to his father while drunk that he was the "God of t*ts and wine." I think I cried.
6. Sonorous - a book you think everyone should know about.
Always the Spook's series by Joseph Delany. I adore it and him as a person. I've met him a few times and he's lovely! These books are amazing. There are twelve in the actual series but each one has a fantastic story, it's not like they were being churned out clutching at straws for another story. Then there are a few novellas and two new books in two new series'. One of those being a spin off from the Spook's series and then Arena 13.
7. Obliviate - a book or spoiler you would like to forget having read.
8. Imperio - A book you had to read for school.
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. It's now one of my favourite novels and I'm so excited for the release of Go Set A Watchman on the 14th July.
9. Crucio - a book that was painful to read.
(I have since removed this from my collection)
Dracula. I decided to give it a whirl and it took me so long! I struggled with the form of the novel. I like prose rather than letters and diary entries.
10. Avada Kedavra - a book that could kill. (Interpret how you wish)
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. The feels are soul destroying. It's a beautiful book, but such a sad sad read. Based on a girl who commits suicide and leaves her reasons why on thirteen tapes. She sends them all to those who have had some impact on her making this decision.
I tag all of you who have yet to do this tag!
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Author Spotlight - Sarah J. Maas
So Sarah J. Maas has fast become one of my favourite authors. Her writing style is beautiful, gripping and believable. The characters she creates are phenomenal, as is the entire world she creates within the books.
I've yet to begin reading A Court of Thorns and Roses but I've read Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight and am half way through Heir of Fire.
I'll attempt to make this brief.
So the Throne of Glass saga is based on an eighteen year old girl, who just happens to be one of the, if not the best assassin in all of Adarlan. She has escaped Endovier, essentially a work pit designed to break the spirit and most likely the body of all those placed there. The girl, Celaena Sardothien, has now escaped the oven and has been thrust into the frying pan that is the job as the King's Assassin. Celaena isn't all she appears to be, she isn't just an assassin.
Basically, this series has all the action and romance you could ever want. (Swoons over Chaol. Yes, I do still like him)
Then A Court of Thorns and Roses is essentially a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. In this world killing one of the fairies means as a punishment you must go on live amongst them. This is what happens to Feyre... amongst other things.
Read all of these. That is your job from now.
I've yet to begin reading A Court of Thorns and Roses but I've read Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight and am half way through Heir of Fire.
I'll attempt to make this brief.
So the Throne of Glass saga is based on an eighteen year old girl, who just happens to be one of the, if not the best assassin in all of Adarlan. She has escaped Endovier, essentially a work pit designed to break the spirit and most likely the body of all those placed there. The girl, Celaena Sardothien, has now escaped the oven and has been thrust into the frying pan that is the job as the King's Assassin. Celaena isn't all she appears to be, she isn't just an assassin.
Basically, this series has all the action and romance you could ever want. (Swoons over Chaol. Yes, I do still like him)
Then A Court of Thorns and Roses is essentially a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. In this world killing one of the fairies means as a punishment you must go on live amongst them. This is what happens to Feyre... amongst other things.
Read all of these. That is your job from now.
I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!
1. Knife by R.J Anderson.
Kind of your typical fairies, small but very feisty. They live in a giant oak tree at the bottom of a garden and all Knife has ever known is that life is difficult beyond belief. And it's about to get a whole lot more difficult...
Great novel and series! Very different and I would say it's suitable for younger readers too (10+ I'd say.) Brilliant writing style in these books.
Great novel and series! Very different and I would say it's suitable for younger readers too (10+ I'd say.) Brilliant writing style in these books.
2. Need by Carrie Jones.
Pixies are a kind of fae right? So Zara has just moved to live with her grandmother, in Maine. She is obsessed with Phobias, collects them. Then, in this supposed sleepy town there is a guy following her... a guy that leaves a trail of gold dust. This guy is a Pixie and he's coming for Zara.
Full of action! The series progresses wonderfully too! I love the character development in Zara and her man friend later on in the series *Eyebrow wiggle*.
3. Wings by Aprilynne Pike.
I adore these. Laurel is a fairy, she used to know that but she volunteered for a mission. Now she has no idea that she's a fairy until she grows a giant ass flower on her back that is. The time that the flower blooms also dictates what time of year the fairy was born and therefore there job/class in society. Things get tricky for Laurel when a male fairy begins to take note of her whilst she's out in the woods.
Stunning covers on these books! A quartet of book that I read a while back but would definitely read again in the beat of a heart.
4. Lament by Maggie Stiefvater.
Deirdre is a harpist who gets God-awful nausea before she plays in front of a large crowd. Enter the 'oh so gorgeous' Luke who calms this sickness ever so easily. Then they play a haunting duet and Deirdre falls madly in love.
Utterly bizarre but well worth a read!
Do you believe in fairies?
Full of action! The series progresses wonderfully too! I love the character development in Zara and her man friend later on in the series *Eyebrow wiggle*.
3. Wings by Aprilynne Pike.
I adore these. Laurel is a fairy, she used to know that but she volunteered for a mission. Now she has no idea that she's a fairy until she grows a giant ass flower on her back that is. The time that the flower blooms also dictates what time of year the fairy was born and therefore there job/class in society. Things get tricky for Laurel when a male fairy begins to take note of her whilst she's out in the woods.
Stunning covers on these books! A quartet of book that I read a while back but would definitely read again in the beat of a heart.
4. Lament by Maggie Stiefvater.
Deirdre is a harpist who gets God-awful nausea before she plays in front of a large crowd. Enter the 'oh so gorgeous' Luke who calms this sickness ever so easily. Then they play a haunting duet and Deirdre falls madly in love.
Utterly bizarre but well worth a read!
Do you believe in fairies?
There Be Dragons Here...
1. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman.
I love this novel to death. In this world dragons have the ability to shift into human form and therefore are able to have "relations" with humans... this creates halfbreeds. Our protagonist, Seraphina is a halfbreed. The novel follows her struggle in being one and also how she thinks it's driving her insane. Then she meets royalty and then the real issues begin.
2. A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.
So, yeah. There isn't really much dragon action at the beginning of the novel but when they appear it's epic. I think, although he has the most attitude, that Drogon is my favourite of Daenerys' dragons. The other two being Viserion and Rhaegal.
3. Talon by Julie Kagawa.
Ember is a dragon sent with her twin, Dante, to live amongst humans. However, the people of the Order of St. George have other plans for them. Until that is, Ember makes friends with one of them and things go a little pear-shaped. Both Talon and the Order of St. George have a bit of an issue when they aren't obeyed... to be honest that's putting it awfully lightly.
4. Eragon By Christopher Paolini.
Eragon is a dragon rider, one of the last. His dragon is named Saphira and together they attempt to battle and hopefully overthrow the tyrannical ruler Galbatorix.
Those are just some of my favourite Dragon novels.
Which do you like?
So, what happens on a full moon?
My only advice - don't get bitten.
But, if you do get bitten by a werewolf then these are a few books that could help you.
1. Sisters Red by Jackson Pierce.
Scarlett March is ruthless, bloodthirsty and lacking one eye. She lost it when a Fenris (Werewolf) attacked her younger sister, Rosie, and Scarlett protected her. Now, they hunt the Fenris saving young girls from an awful fate.
Essentially a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood considering that Scarlett wears a red cape when she hunts.
2. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.
Grace is fascinated by the wolves behind her house, particularly a certain yellow eyed wolf who is more than what he seems. In summer this wolf is a boy named Sam and then winter comes and he becomes a wolf again. When Grace and Sam meet they realise that they cannot be separated, but during winter what will they do?
This is the book equivalent of ice-cream and Netflix. Wonderfully indulgent.
3. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.
Before I'm lynched for either loving or bashing Twilight this is the book that initially got me into reading so of course I'm going in include it.
4. Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith.
Same deal with Twilight!
5. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer.
Calla Tor is a werewolf that has had her life set out for her for years. After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll is destined to become the mate of Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers. But, when she disobeys her masters' laws by saving a human boy, Calla questions everything she has ever known.
Just plain awesome.
What werewolf stories do you like?
Author Spotlight - Joseph Delaney
The Wardstone Chronicles.
I can't recommend this series enough. At least once a week I tell my customers about it and they agree that it sounds great.
The series is in my opinion flawless. The world created is practically tangible, possibly as it is loosely based around Lancashire. Which is both Delaney's and my home county. There a subtle differences like Preston is referred to as Preisttown and Caster is Lancaster. The characters that Delaney has created are wonderful. I feel that throughout the series Tom and Alice have both grown up and developed their abilities. Although, not always in the most wholesome way. The strength the Tom gains contrasts John Gregory's (The Spook) decline as he obviously ages.
My only gripe is that The Wardstone Chronicles ended in 2013 and for a good while I wasn't entirely sure what to do with myself. It's like finishing a series on Netflix, the awful realisation hits of "Well now what?"
Enter: The Starblade Chronicles.
The first novel is A New Darkness.
This is Delaney's new series in which Tom is now the local Spook and takes on an apprentice of his own.
It is sat on my bookshelf and waiting to be read.
Blurbs: **Taken From the books**
Spook's Apprentice:
"For years, the local Spook has been keeping the County safe from evil. Now his time is coming to an end, but who will take over?
Many apprentices have tried... Some floundered, some fled, some failed to stay alive. Just one boy is left. Thomas Ward. He is the last hope.
But does he stand a chance against Mother Malkin, the most dangerous witch in the Count?"
A New Darkness
"They are found dead in their beds, covered in blood, with a look of pure horror on their faces. Worse still, their ghosts are left to walk the earth, just waiting for someone to hear the horror that has befallen them.
Thomas Ward is the local Spook - it's his job to protect the County from things that go bump in the night. But this is no ordinary haunting, and he finds himself on the path of a dangerous beast that is looking to kill again.
He soon realizes that this beast is just the beginning. An army of monsters is massing in the north, and it poses a threat to all mankind"
Wardstone Chronicles
- Spook's Apprentice
- Spook's Curse
- Spook's Secret
- Spook's Battle
- Spook's Mistake
- Spook's Sacrifice
- Spook's Nightmare
- Spook's Destiny
- I am Grimalkin (Novella)
- Spook's Blood
- Slither's Tale
- Alice
The Wardstone Chronciles currently has it's first film in cinemas. Seventh son. Go watch it!
Book vs. Film soon to follow!
Get Excited- Sarah J Maas

I am so unbelievably stoked to hear that Sarah J Maas, author of the amazing Throne of Glass Series is publishing two new books this year.
On the 7th May 2015 (in the UK), Maas is publishing the first novel, A Court of Thorns and Roses, which is to be the first novel in her new series. It sounds amazing:
"When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin-one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.
As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she’s been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow over the faerie lands is growing, and Feyre must find a way to stop it . . . or doom Tamlin-and his world-forever."

Though there is no plot summary yet I know it's going to be phenomenal considering the previous books in the series. I fell in love with the characters, the world she created and the plot altogether.
I thought I'd therefore give you the synopsis of the first novel. I encourage you to grab it!
"In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake. She got caught.
Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament - fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she is about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin's heart be melted?"
Throne of Glass
- Throne of Glass
- Crown of Midnight
- Heir of Fire
- The Assassin's Blade (Prequel)
**Pictures taken from Sarah J. Maas' blog. Synopses taken from the back of the books**
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