Wednesday, 7 October 2015

September Wrap Up

This month was a fairly average reading month with my reading total at three graphic novels and three novels.

So to begin:

1. Lexicon by Max Barry 4.5/5

I thoroughly enjoyed this, more so than I thought I would've. Based around the concept that there are certain words that can bypass the brains defences and enable the user of said words to  control that person. Then there are bare words that completely control people, every kind of person and order them to do anything.

For a full review of this book look no further than here.

2. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas 5/5

Oh holy hell, the fourth instalment of The Throne of Glass series. Wonderful. Brilliant. I fangirled like a lunatic in an upcoming review. I shan't mention anything about the novel here 'cause spoilers.

3. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard 4.5/5

This was phenomenal. I got a Hunger Games kinda vibe with the whole Reds are the lower class Silvers are the nobility thing. However, there is one girl who doesn't fit this pattern, Mare Barrow. Mare is a Red with a Silver's ability and that isn't ideal for either side.

A review of this will also be coming soon.

4. Wytches Volume One by Scott Snyder 3.5/5

By far the creepiest graphic novel I've ever read. Sailor has been through the ringer and also struggles with anxiety which isn't made easier when a psychotic girl from her old town made her life hell in ways she couldn't imagine. Then gets her comeuppance as she's dragged into a tree by Wytches but Sail can't get away from that girl or the Wytches. She's been pledged and that doesn't end well.

5. Nail Biter Volume One by Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson. 4/5

Again, creepy but very good! A town named Buckaroo has a reputation for producing serial killers lovingly named the 'Buckaroo Butchers.' Now there is another serial killer on the loose and the police have to enlist the help of an acquitted serial killer, also lovingly known as the 'Nail Biter' to figure out who is behind these attacks.

6. Rat Queens: Volume One Sass and Sorcery by Kurtis J. Wiebe & Roc Upchurch 4.5/5

Love. Quite simply love. The Rat Queens are a band of mercenaries that kick monster ass. This graphic novel contains everything I love, magic, kick ass females, monsters and a helluva lot of drinking.

Those are all the novels I read this month.

What books did you read?


  1. I've been hearing mixed things about Red Queen, but it's looked interesting to me. I look forward to your full review. I read a decent amount, but my top 2 favs are Cinder and The Raven Boys. :)

    1. I very much enjoyed it. I've heard from people who really didn't like it but it's all down to personal preference! I loved The Raven Boys and Cinder is currently on my - somewhat shameful - TBR list.


What have you been reading lately?